Can You Get Bailed Out Late at Night?

Crime isn’t something that happens on a schedule. Getting that dreadful call in the middle of the night or over the weekend about a loved one being arrested is something none of us would want to experience.

Unfortunately, these situations are something we see a lot at 1st Call Bail Bonds. As we’ve dealt with Dallas family’s worries about their loved ones, we’ve seen the panicked thoughts set in.

Is your loved one okay? When and how can they be released? Is it even possible to get them bailed out over the weekend or in the late hours of the night?

Fortunately, we have the answer for you and it’s a yes. However, there may be some obstacles that stand in your way. Let’s get into the answers to your pressing questions and why you should always turn to 1st Call Bail Bonds when that dreaded call comes.

Basic Dallas Bail Process

Before diving into the nuances of weekend and late-night bail, it’s crucial to understand the bail process itself. After getting arrested in Dallas, the defendant will have a bail hearing, during which a judge will determine if they qualify for bail and set an amount, if applicable. Bail is usually set within 48 hours of the arrest. So, there is always the chance that someone will have to spend at least one night in a cell.

Once a bail amount is set, it serves as collateral to ensure the defendant appears in court for all mandated proceedings.

Bail isn’t always possible, as in cases where a defendant has skipped bail in the past or poses a threat to the community.

The Truth About Late Night and Weekend Bail Bonds

Bail doesn’t work on a 9-5 schedule. So, yes, it’s possible to get bailed out over the weekend or late at night if the judge is able to set your bail in a timely manner.

Once you have all the necessary resources and information regarding the defendant’s arrest, you can work with a Dallas bondsman to help raise the funds to cover the bail amount.

Keep in mind, bail will usually run you in the thousands if you’re paying up front. That’s where we step in. 1st Call Bail Bonds is open 24/7 and can help you afford bail through our bonds that only cost you 10% of the total amount.

We take late-night and weekend visits and are always prepared to help you get a loved one out of jail.

Obstacles to Post Bail Late at Night

Although it is possible to obtain a bail bond and post bail during late hours and on weekends, several challenges may arise in the process.

One of the primary concerns is coordinating with the court and correctional facilities, as their operations are often limited during weekends and after-hours.

Also, if you are trying to raise funds on your own, it may take longer to gather the necessary funds and resources to pay the bond due to bank and financial institution hours.

24/7 Bail Bond Company Available

No one wants to be on the receiving end of a late night bail-out call, but life happens. When it does, it’s essential to select a trusted, experienced, and licensed bail bond company for your needs.

After researching our credentials and knowing we are available 24/7 to cover any bail amount, it’s clear that 1st Call Bail Bonds is your first bail bond choice after a Dallas arrest.

We’re ready to help you get your loved one back home. Contact us today to start the bail bond process.

5 different types of bail bondsWhite Collar Criminal