Find an Inmate

If you need to find an inmate in Texas county jail, take immediate action and click on “Inmate Lookup” in the relevant county right now. We’ve also included additional resources including visitor information, commissary details, inmate account information and inmate phone service information. These lookup services are free and easy to use, allowing you to search by inmate name, booking number, or other identifying information.

Confirm someone’s incarceration: Quickly verify if someone is actually in jail.

Locate the inmate: Find out the specific county jail facility housing the inmate.

Schedule a visit (if applicable): Inmate lookup may provide information on how to schedule a visit with the inmate.

Find additional resources: Some lookup services provide links for depositing money into the inmate’s commissary account or contacting inmate phone service providers.

By utilizing the inmate lookup tool, you can gain valuable information and peace of mind during a stressful time.

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