What Can Get You Arrested at the Polls?

Next week stands to be one of the most talked about and important Presidential elections in our nation’s history. While many Texans have already voted early, some may take the chance of getting out to the polls on the official November 3rd election date.

At Big Bubba’s Bail Bonds, we love patriotism and support everyone’s right to vote. However, even on a day meant for the most personal of self-expressions, you could find yourself arrested in Arlington for misconduct. 

How could you get arrested performing your God given rights? Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier than you’d think.

Public Fighting

Let’s face it, tensions are high this election season and you don’t have to travel beyond social media to get the point. Although you may feel strongly about a certain candidate or feel that the opposing support is unforgivably wrong, please, keep it to yourself. 

Heated arguments can easily turn into disturbing the peace, which can quickly snowball into aggravated assault. Regardless of where you fight in public, if you have the intent of injuring another person during an altercation, be prepared to seek an Arlington bail bond.

Ensure that your vote is counted and keep all strong opinions to yourself. Everyone deserves the vote, and this act should never have to come to blows.

Taking Ballot Selfies

Proud of who you’re voting for? Well, whatever you do, don’t take a selfie that shows the information on your ballot. Actually, don’t even take your phone out within 100 feet of your voting station. 

Depending on where you vote, taking a photo of your ballot is illegal in Texas and could get you arrested. Keep the pride safe this year and stick to the “I Voted” selfie that everyone else is adhering to these days.

Voter Intimidation

According to the Voting Rights Act, it is unlawful to intimidate or attempt to sway someone’s vote at the polls. If you threaten or coerce another person in a way that it interferes with their right to vote, then you are officially committing a federal crime. 

As of 2020 voter intimidation is a crime that comes with a steep penalty of a fine, up to one year in prison, or a combination of both.

What Constitutes as Voter Intimidation?

Voter intimidation comes in many forms that people may be surprised are considered illegal. Some examples of voter intimidation are as follows:

  • Verbal threats of violence
  • Confronting voters dressed in military or uniform garb
  • Brandishing firearms at the polling place
  • Following voters, to, from, or within the polling place
  • Spreading false information about voter fraud
  • Aggressively asking voters about their qualifications to vote

Need a Bail Bond After You Vote? Big Bubba can Help

If you find yourself in trouble with the law on election day and need help out of a legal situation, Big Bubba’s Bail Bonds can help. We know that everyone makes mistakes, and that’s why we are open 24/7 to help you and your loved ones get out of jail fast to help sort out your legal issues. Contact us today to start the bail bond process.

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