Know Voter Rights to Avoid Arrest at the Polls

This year, we are poised to host one of our nation’s most talked-about and important presidential elections. While many Texans may plan to vote early, some may choose to go to the polls on the official November 5th election date.

At Big Bubba’s Bail Bonds, we love patriotism and support everyone’s right to vote. However, even on a day meant for the most personal of self-expressions, you could find yourself arrested in Fort Worth for misconduct.

The crowds will turn out, and you will want to be on your best behavior. Texas alone saw over 16 million registered voters with around 11 million of them showing up to the polls While you may not get arrested for providing water to voters near the polls, there are many other ways you could find yourself in hot water..

How could you get arrested for performing your rights? Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier than you’d think.

Public Fighting at Polls

Tensions are high during presidential elections. Although you may feel strongly about a certain candidate or feel the opposing support is unforgivably wrong, please, keep it to yourself.

Heated arguments can easily turn into disturbing the peace, which can quickly snowball into aggravated assault. If you have the intent of injuring another person during an altercation, be prepared to seek a Fort Worth bail bond.

This year, there will be even greater risk if you are tempted to start a public argument. The latest round of election officials nationwide have opted to beef up security with on-site gun restrictions, new security cameras, ballistic doors and windows, and more, depending on the area.

Ensure your vote is counted, and keep all strong opinions to yourself. Everyone deserves the vote, and this act should never have to come to blows.

Taking Ballot Selfies at Polls

Proud of who you’re voting for? Do not take a selfie that shows the information on your ballot. Actually, don’t even take your phone out within 100 feet of your voting station.

Even though many states have lightened their restrictions on ballot selfies for 2024, Texas is not one of them. If you’re curious about where you can take selfies at the polls, the following states may entice you:

  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wyoming


Taking a photo of your ballot is illegal in Texas and could result in an arrest. To keep your pride safe this year, stick to the “I Voted” selfie that everyone else is following.


Voter Intimidation at the Polls

According to the Voting Rights Act, it is unlawful to intimidate or attempt to sway someone’s vote at the polls. If you threaten or coerce another person in a way that it interferes with their right to vote, then you are officially committing a federal crime.

As of 2020, voter intimidation is a crime punishable by a fine, up to one year in prison, civil lawsuits, or a combination of all three.

What Constitutes as Voter Intimidation?

Voter intimidation is a serious crime that wears many faces. You may even be surprised at what is actually illegal at the polls. While overt threats of violence are clearly intimidating, other less obvious actions can also be classified as voter intimidation. These include confronting voters while dressed in military or official-looking uniforms, openly displaying firearms at polling places, and following voters to, from, or within the voting location.

Aside from those obvious intimidation tactics, coercing voters through threats against them or their family members, aggressively questioning voters about their qualifications to vote, and engaging in deceptive practices that spread misinformation about voting procedures are all forms of voter intimidation.

Voters must know these tactics and understand their rights to a safe and fair voting experience. If you encounter these behaviors or other suspicious activities while voting, you must immediately report them to election officials or law enforcement.

Know Your Voter’s Rights

While it’s critical to act on your best behavior at the polls and remain cordial with fellow voters, looking out for yourself and knowing the rights you have can help you stay out of trouble and safe at the polls.

Voting Rights Act

Established after “Bloody Sunday” in 1965, the Voting Rights Act helps voters avoid discrimination that can evolve from others’ intimidation tactics due to fears of (extremely rare) voter fraud.

This means that as an American citizen, no one can stop your vote based on your race, color, or language spoken. In fact, if you need assistance because of language barriers, some jurisdictions require bilingual election materials as you cast your vote.

National Voter Registration Act

This act is in place to help ensure your right to vote and voter registration. While a registration opportunity is great, what does this mean for avoiding issues at the polls? For one, it offers equal access for individuals with disabilities, meaning no one can intimidate you because of a disability you may have. This benefit is also present in the 2002 Help America Vote Act.

The National Voter Registration Act also guarantees the right to vote regardless of race, sex, or language spoken.

Arrested at the Polls on Election Day

If you find yourself in trouble with the law on election day and need help out of a legal situation, Big Bubba’s Bail Bonds can help. We know that everyone makes mistakes, and that’s why our bail bonds company is open 24/7 to help you and your loved ones get out of jail fast to help sort out your legal issues. Contact us today to start the bail bond process.

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