Everything You Need to Know About Your Court Hearing

As a bail bonds company who specializes in getting you out of jail, we want to make everything as clear and easy for you as possible. We know this is a rough time in your life. So, let’s go through everything you’ll need to know about the basics of court hearings, how to prepare and what to wear.

What Exactly is a Court Hearing?

A court hearing is just a legal situation where a judge hears evidence and arguments from both sides in a case.

There are several types of court hearings: civil hearings, administrative hearings, and criminal hearings. Criminal hearings are held in criminal court and involve the prosecution of individuals accused of committing a crime. They may include any or all of the following:


In the first hearing, you’re informed of the charges and enter your plea.

Pretrial Hearings

Held before the trial to address any motions or issues that need resolving before the trial can begin.


The prosecution and defense present their cases and the judge or jury reaches a verdict.

No matter what sort of court hearing you’re looking at, we can help you be prepared to face your personal judge and jury. Read on for everything you need to know.

Preparing for Your Court Hearing

You’ll be in the courtroom most of the day, so make sure your clothes are somewhat formal but still comfortable. The judge or jury on your case aren’t supposed to make judgments based on your appearance, but you can do a lot to ingratiate yourself with the judge (“Your Honor,” please) by showing respect for the court.

This respect demonstrates that you are aware of the magnitude of your charges and dressing appropriately is a sign of that respect, if nothing else.

Similarly, if you have brought any paperwork, evidence or documentation, make sure it’s organized and easy to grab. Saving time is a great way to win points with the court. Whether your plea is guilt, innocence or something else, you’ll be best served by putting on your bravest, most professional face.

During Your Court Hearing

You’ll refrain from cell phone use, eating and drinking, and talking during the hearing. This is easier than it sounds, because you’re the star of the show and you’ll feel like you’re on display. Any witnesses or companions you’ve brought with you will have to follow these same rules, however, which may be somewhat harder for them.

Your judge will lay out the terms of the case and explain to you what’s about to happen. What happens next depends on the type of hearing you’re in.


In an arraignment, you’ll be told the charges against you, and enter your plea. This is something you should practice for and discuss with your lawyer ahead of time.

Trial Hearing

In a trial hearing, your attorney and the opposition will both present their case, and the judge (or jury, if you’ve selected a jury trial) will render a verdict.

It’s important to be practiced and prepared by your defense attorney ahead of time, if you must give testimony in either type of hearing. You have the right to be heard in a court of law, so speak clearly and honestly, and stick to the facts. The judge will appreciate your efficiency.

Show respect to everyone in the courtroom if you must talk to or about them, including opposing counsel. Prepare for difficult or even hostile questions from the other lawyer, and don’t act out. Part of the case the lawyers are building is about the kind of person you are, so it’s important to show off your best side.

Don’t Be Afraid, Be Prepared

Everyone in that courtroom is there to do a job, and that includes you. The best thing you can do for your case, and for making your stay in the courtroom as short and pleasant as possible, is to do as your lawyer advises and to deal with people politely.

Answer questions truthfully when asked and never interrupt, even if someone is lying or being unfair. Don’t let them get to you! Get the freedom to address your case with Big Bubba’s Bail Bonds, standing ready to help in the Arlington area.

Contact us today to start the bail bond application process. You don’t have to go through this process alone.

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